The Cottage Counselling Centre

The Cottage Counselling Centre provides individual and relationship counselling in  a safe environment for anyone in the community, regardless of race or religion; adults, children, young people, couples and families.

The Cottage has a strong commitment to providing an environment where people who are hurting can be heard and encouraged to find hope for themselves and help for their relationships.

 Fees are on a sliding scale related to the client’s family income. There are rebates   and subsidies available. Please discuss any concerns you have about the fees with the Director or your counsellor.

The Cottage also runs courses and educational programs on various topics such as grief, parenting, abuse and suicide.

All counsellors are Christians, highly trained  and accredited with professional counselling associations.

To contact the Cottage, you can leave a confidential message on the answering machine  9972-0141 and the Director will return  your call promptly.